$77.00 CAD

6 monthly payments

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Special Offer!

Get the most from your Real Estate Investment!  By selecting the small box below you can get instant access to Joey’s Cash Flow Essentials spreadsheet package.

You get ALL of 22 spreadsheets (organized into 8 easy-to-use workbooks)  that will make analyzing your properties easier and faster...PLUS over 2 hours of walkthrough training for each of them.

Joey’s also included the Ultimate Financial Analysis Proforma and the Automatic 5-Year Action Plan that will tell you EXACTLY how many properties you need to live the lifestyle of your dreams!

Get immediate access to Cash Flow Essentials for one single payment of $49 by checking the box below. (this offer is only available now while you’re on this page)

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JV Presentation Formula 6 Pay

  • Pay just $77 for 6 months and get access to my JV Presentation Formula TODAY.

 Here's what you'll discover inside:

  • Where to find the right people who will be interested in real estate investing.
  • 6 Core Modules with 29 training videos that walk you through breaking the ice and finding people with money so you can convince them to invest with you.
  • How to share the JV concept with potential investors in a confident manner, even if you’re a beginner.
  • Say goodbye to being afraid to ask people for money because you’ll be ready with 16 of the most common questions potential JV investors have and how to answer them.
  • Why NEVER showing a “real estate deal” works better in finding qualified JV partners that understand real estate investing.
  • What you should never do the first time you meet with someone.
  • The truth about “finding the right deal."
  • How to eliminate sounding like a salesperson using a proven and persuasive method to bring up real estate investing naturally.
  • Say goodbye to worrying about how to set up JVs legally to protect everyone involved because you’ll get my professional JV Agreement as part of this complete package.
  •  How to convince investors you have something worth investing in.
  • You need to know all the forms to fill out legally right? Wrong! This is what you’re lawyer is for - you’ll get ALL the forms you need to structure the deal legally and properly included here.
  • What to do if people have a hard time understanding the legal and tax implications and want more information.


Gift#1 - Real Estate Joint Venture Agreement Template Package includes simple and advanced joint venture agreements, letter of intent, etc, that will legally protect everyone (value $2,200)

Gift#2 - Tested and Proven fill-in-the-blank real estate joint venture powerpoint presentation templates.

Gift#3 - My personal collection of real estate joint venture questionnaires to help you find people who can be money partners.

Gift#4 My personal real estate joint venture property analyzer and pro forma to help find the right deal to show potential jv investors.

Unconditionally Guaranteed for 90-Days

You have the complete satisfaction in knowing your purchase is backed by our no-questions-asked, 100 percent money-back, 90-day guarantee if you can honestly say you haven’t learned anything new to help you find the right JV investors.
For 90 days, you get access to the ENTIRE program. No restrictions. If you watch, listen and apply the strategies and methods we’re teaching, and can honestly say you haven’t learned anything that will help you find the right JV investors, we don’t deserver to keep your money. If you believe this program is not right for you, is a waste of time and money, or you are dissatisfied in any way, you have every right to ask for a full, no-questions-asked, on-the-spot 100% refund anytime within the first 90 days. No loopholes.
In fact, you can KEEP all the materials and downloads as our gift because we value your time and trust in trying it out.

What People Are Saying:

I put an incredible offer on triplex yesterday with the incredible teachings I have learned from the JV Presentation Formula. If you are looking to do real estate successfully and want to help others with Joint Venture opportunities, then this is the right place to start!!!

Janet Taylor