Joint Venture Presentation Formula

The most effective way to find joint venture investors

Here's what you get inside:

  • Where to find the right people who will be interested in real estate investing.
  • 6 Core Modules with 29 training videos that walk you through breaking the ice and finding people with money so you can convince them to invest with you.
  • How to share the JV concept with potential investors in a confident manner, even if you’re a beginner.
  • Say goodbye to being afraid to ask people for money because you’ll be ready with 16 of the most common questions potential JV investors have and how to answer them.
  • Why NEVER showing a “real estate deal” works better in finding qualified JV partners that understand real estate investing.
  • What you should never do the first time you meet with someone.
  • The truth about “finding the right deal."
  • How to eliminate sounding like a salesperson using a proven and persuasive method to bring up real estate investing naturally.
  • Say goodbye to worrying about how to set up JVs legally to protect everyone involved because you’ll get my professional JV Agreement as part of this complete package.
  •  How to convince investors you have something worth investing in.
  • You need to know all the forms to fill out legally right? Wrong! This is what you’re lawyer is for - you’ll get ALL the forms you need to structure the deal legally and properly included here.
  • What to do if people have a hard time understanding the legal and tax implications and want more information.


Gift#1 - Real Estate Joint Venture Agreement Template Package includes simple and advanced joint venture agreements, letter of intent, etc, that will legally protect everyone (value $2,200)

Gift#2 - Tested and Proven fill-in-the-blank real estate joint venture powerpoint presentation templates.

Gift#3 - My personal collection of real estate joint venture questionnaires to help you find people who can be money partners.

Gift#4 My personal real estate joint venture property analyzer and pro forma to help find the right deal to show potential jv investors.

Learn more here:


50% Complete

Two Step

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